June 2023
Golfing Prowess

Thanks to Anthony for sending in this fab photo of him at his golf club where he is currently captain!
Dancing Darcie!
Well done to Darcie who was part of the group dancing at Magic Weekend at St James Park in Newcastle last weekend. She danced in front of a crowd of just under 37 Thousand people!
She enjoyed it and her dance teacher gave her a cue when to start due to it being so loud!

Our very own Gladiator FURY!
The popular TV show The Gladiators (@BBCGladiators) are back and we are pleased to announce that Jodie Ounsley is continuing her successful career by appearing on the show as FURY. Jodie has said on her social media accounts that the support so far has been amazing. Follow her progress on her TikTok account. We look forward to seeing the show on Tv in the autumn, go FURY!!

April 2023
Exciting news!
Congratulations to Jodie Ounsley for being named No. 13 on the @bbcwomanshour Power List 2023. The list celebrates 30 outstanding women who have made game-changing contributions to women’s sport. On her social media accounts Jodie said ‘It’s an absolute honour to be alongside some pretty incredible women who are making a difference in sport’.
Jodie has recently been in Hong Kong for the Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens tournament.
We continue to follow Jodie’s career and are always looking forward to hearing her news!
Tom’s footballing successes
Tom Battle has been selected to be part of the FA Para Regional Emerging Talent Programme and attends the northern training events four times a year in Manchester. Tom’s ultimate goal is to follow this pathway to try and play for the England Deaf Team! He also now attends the Durham FC Para Talent Hub and trains in Sunderland every other month.

Since 2016, Tom has also played for his local team Tickton AFC Mustangs and this is him collecting he player’s player award last season.
Since 2016, Tom has also played for his local team Tickton AFC Mustangs and this is him collecting he player’s player award last season.
Dec 2022
Jodie’s rugby career
It was lovely to see Jodie Ounsley recently when she was at YAIS for her upgrade appointment (she has had her Medel implant since she was a baby). Jodie has just been announced as the new Honorary President of UK Deaf Sport and has been playing rugby for a number of years. She is a fantastic role model and she shares a lot of information regarding deaf awareness on her TiKTok account.
Jodie gave us a little update on her rugby career so far:
The new 15s Premiership club I have just signed onto is Exeter Chiefs based in Devon. I have also represented England & GB 7s on the World Series (I have toured around Canada, USA, South Africa, Dubai, Sydney, New Zealand, Croatia).
Good luck for the future Jodie and we look forward to hearing about your future successes!

April 2022
Easter opening times
Friday 15th April – Centre closed
Monday 18th April – Centre closed
If you require urgent medical advice during these times, please contact the YAIS phoneline where you will be directed to the appropriate contact numbers.
We wish all our patients and families a happy Easter break!

Keevey does Matilda!

Well done to Keevey Hunt, one of our budding young thespians who recently took part in her school performance of Matilda! We look forward to hearing more about her talent in the future.
Join the Cochlear® family!

Calling all Cochlear® users! Did you know that by joining cochlear family you will receive useful information from the company and also exclusive offers including 25% off the price of holiday loaner processors? Click here for more information.
March 2022
March 3rd is world hearing day!
To celebrate world hearing day we are sharing a picture of the lovely Freya who was our youngest ever cochlear implant recipient (implanted at 11 weeks during the pandemic). She has now been listening with her implant for 18 months and is starting to understand and say some words. We look forward to keeping up to date with her hearing progress.

YAIS SLT Sophie is fundraising for Auditory Verbal Therapy

Sophie, who is one of our paediatric speech and language therapists, is running a half marathon in April to raise funds for AVT UK. Read all about it here:
Best foot forward Sophie!
YAIS rehab team host first international rehabilitation conference

The rehab team at YAIS have planned and are hosting the first ever conference for professionals who work with deaf adults and children. We are looking forward to the extensive programme including international key note speakers and some of us from YAIS are presenting as well! Read the programme here: https://t.co/GlnCLt3vnp
December 2021

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our patients, families and friends from all the team at YAIS!
October 2021
Adult resources and new tinnitus information
You can now access different exercises to practise your listening.
Click here to go to the resources page.
New tinnitus information and advice available from BCIG
Click here to view

September 2021
Exam results
Congratulations to all of our teens who have recently received exam results. Special mention for Aleena and Hooriya who shared their outstanding achievements with us at their recent YAIS appointments. They have both achieved high level grades in their subjects and are now studying A Levels in sixth form. Well done and we look forward to hearing about more successes in the future!
Letter from Tom
13 year old Tom recently wrote to Mr Strachan who carried out Tom’s bilateral implants 10 years ago. Tom wanted to let Mr Strachan know what he has been up to over the past 10 years and also to let him know that the koala he was given from Cochlear at the time of his operation is named Strachan in the surgeon’s honour! Tom was thrilled to receive a reply from Mr Strachan. Click here to see Tom’s letter.
Special Olympics in Russia 2022
YAIS patient Jenny and her partner Callum, have been selected to represent team GB in the Special Olympics World Winter games to be held in Kazan, Russia in January 2022. Please see the Patient news section for all the details! Congratulations Jenny and good luck!

June 2021
Budding Artist!

YAIS loves this drawing of Erin and her friends. She has drawn her CIs and even remembered the coloured dots for left and right sound processors! Her friend is wearing his red hearing aids too. What a brilliant picture Erin!
May 2021
Cochlear Aqua Kits
We have a small number of aqua kits going spare, these are for N6, N7 and Kanso processors. If you would like to claim one then these are available on a first come first served basis and would need to be collected. Please give us a call first to check availability and arrange a collection time. YAIS CI patients only.
Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak to all our CI users, BTHFT colleagues and their families. If you are dropping by YAIS we hope you like our Eid decorations!
Spares and repairs
Just a reminder to return all faulty parts as soon as you can please. These are usually sent back to the manufacturers for replacement.
Returning faulty equipment promptly helps us to maintain stock levels and serve all our patients as efficiently as we can.
April 2021

It was lovely to see Amira this morning enjoying the spring display in the YAIS reception area.
Happy holidays!
March 2021
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Today marks World Hearing Day 2021 and the launch of the first ever World Report on Hearing, aiming for “hearing care for all”. Visit the WHO webpage here for more information.
Here is the transcript for the World Hearing Day video available on twitter
Click here to see the video
I’m David Strachan I’m one of the ENT surgeons here at Bradford Royal Infirmary. I also work for the Yorkshire Auditory Implant Service. This is World Hearing Day today which is very relevant to us because part of World Hearing Day is raising awareness about the treatment of hearing loss and ear conditions and in Bradford we do cochlear implants for patients from the whole of Yorkshire and actually beyond and we are very fortunate to do it because it is a life changing intervention and I think lots of people don’t fully understand how disabling it is to be deaf and yet the cochlear implants that we do here allow people to communicate and change lives which is great. There are lots of other conditions that we treat here which are very relevant.
The other thing about World Hearing Day is it’s about raising awareness of prevention. In the UK we have various things such as protection at work if you work in a noisy place and vaccines which are well established and of course a bit of a topic with COVID at the moment. This is particularly relevant worldwide. We have been fortunate enough to have links with a department in Malawi and have done implants over there. It is interesting that quite a few of those patients had conditions that were preventable and would have been prevented in the UK by a vaccination programme such as mumps and measles. So it is very important for World Hearing Day that we not only concentrate on treating patients with ear conditions and hearing loss but that we think about how we can prevent it and also supporting worldwide programmes that can really make a big difference to not just thousands but millions of individuals that are deafened through avoidable conditions.
February 2021
Ear Trust
If you would like to receive information about the Ear Trust, please contact Breeda Barry directly at Breeda@eartrust.org.uk.
Click here to learn more about the fantastic work of the Ear Trust over the past 30 years and to access the Hearsay newsletter.
Online courses for professionals
On line Learning to Listen -Tuesday March 9th (morning)
For teaching assistants, class teachers and other ‘non-specialists’, as well as teachers of the deaf, working with children who have had their cochlear implants for up to about 4 years.
This Course is an adapted version of our Learning to Listen course. It will be in two parts, both on the same morning, with a short break between the two. The course will cover stages of learning to listen and how children can be encouraged to listen to and understand sounds, words and sentences.
Click here to download the booking form. Please complete the form and e-mail or post to secure a place.
January 2021
Happy New Year to you all.
We are still open for spares and repairs and some scheduled appointments.
Please ring, text or email before coming to the department regarding equipment issues – this is to ensure someone is available to see you and we can keep everyone as safe as possible.
Please note: due to the current situation your appointment may have to be cancelled at short notice. Please ensure we have your current contact details.
Are you shielding? If so, let us know and we can update our records.
If you are coming for a scheduled appointment, you will be asked Covid screening questions via text prior to your visit and also in person when you arrive.
Season’s greeting to all our patients and we look forward to seeing you in 2021!

December 2020
12 days of Christmas!
Check out Yais’ 12 days of Christmas messages on our other social media sites

November 2020
Welcome to our new website, we hope you find it informative and interesting. If you are happy to share any news about living with a cochlear implant or a special event please let us know! Contact Andy Dearnley or Jeni Bickley on 01274 364853 or at yais.helpline@bthft.nhs.uk
We look forward to hearing your news
July 2020
Launch of our new Social Media!
Did you know you can now find YAIS on Instagram and Facebook, also well as Twitter?

Twitter: @YAISCI
Instagram: yais_ci
Facebook: Yorkshire Auditory Implant Service
June 2020
Patients keeping busy during lockdown!
During the Coronavirus lockdown and no longer able to practise in the usual way or places, cochlear implant recipient Spencer Faithfull is combining training his snowboard skills outside in the garden whilst also working as a delivery driver!

Jodie organises home Sportathon!
Unable to train as normal during this unprecedented time, inspirational sportswoman and England Rugby 7s champion Jodie Ounsley has used her time productively to organise a 24 hour Sportathon at her home. Supported by her family, Jodie raised over £4,500 pounds which she has donated to the Elizabeth Foundation, a charity supporting young deaf children to listen and talk, whose services she benefitted from in the early days and years after receiving her cochlear implants. Jodie has recently been asked to be patron of the Elizabeth Foundation and a Diversity Ambassador for HSBC bank. You can read more about Jodie’s achievements and current projects in the patient profile section.

May 2020

Introducing lovely Freya. She contracted meningitis shortly after birth, which caused bilateral profound Deafness. Thanks to the quick actions of the YAIS team, during the challenging COVID-19 restrictions, Mr Carr (ENT Consultant) carried out her Cochlear Implant operation in April at Sheffield Children’s Hospital. At only 11 weeks old, we think Freya is one of the youngest Cochlear Implant recipients in the world!